Rights entered into this descriptor include how an item may be used, re-used, re-purposed, reproduced, played out, or distributed, e.g., for broadcast, for World Wide Web, for education/classroom use or home use.
Information contained in rightsSummary should help answer questions about when, where and how a resource may be used, seen or heard.
Time limitations, availabilities, blackouts, territorial restrictions, retirement, copyrights, and other such conditions may be included.
If dates, time and availability periods are associated with a right, include them. This is a free-form text-based container field, so narrative summaries are encouraged in order to adequately describe a particular right and its associated time periods.
The rights and use limitations that are associated with a media item can be grouped into three categories: Permissions, Constraints, and Obligations. These categories are a distillation of the The Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL) which is a proposed language for the Digital Rights Management (DRM) community for the standardization of expressing rights information over content. The ODRL is intended to provide flexible and interoperable mechanisms to support transparent and innovative use of digital resources in publishing, distributing and consuming of electronic publications, digital images, audio and movies, learning objects, computer software and other creations in digital form. The ODRL has no license requirements and is available in the spirit of "open source" software.
ODRL Initiative home page
ODRL DRM definitions and terms
Permissions metadata specifies the actual usages or activities allowed or transferable over or with a media item in its entirety or as an extract harvested from the original. These permissions translate into how a media item can by played or consumed, how it can be reused, and how the media item can be transferred to others. The information found under "Permissions" answers the question "What can an end user do with a media item?" Another way to summarize this metadata is to indicate that "You are permitted to..."
Contraints metadata is a narrative or statement summarizing the constraints that limit the permissions granted for using a media item. These constraints translate into limitations on audiences and use groups, devices for display, playback, or transmission, bounds on the number of usages, and geographic and temporal restrictions. The information found under "Constraints" answers the question "What can't an end user do with a media item?" Another way to summarize this metadata is to indicate "Under these constraints..."
Compliance Requirements metadata specifies the obligations needed to exercise the Permission (e.g., Pay $5 each time you Play the video; or Publish an attribution or credit statement). The information found under "Compliance Requirements/Obligations" answers the question "What must an end user do to be able to use a media item?" Another way to summarize this metadata field indicates "With these obligations..."
Each time a different right is available, enter it as another repetition of this descriptor within its container pbcoreRightsSummary. One repetition could articulate the Permissions, another repetition for the Constraints, and a third repetition for specified Obligations.
Digital Rights Management and Intellectual Property Rights Management are complex issues. Many content and digital asset management systems actually purchase third-party DRM modules that can be integrated into the data models for a DAM or CRM system. Public Broadcasting maintains complex rights management metadata, which for the purposes of PBCore integration, should be summarized as best possible. |