The Creative Commons License
Your Rights
This work, the PBCore (Public Broadcasting Metadata Dictionary), is licensed under a Creative Commons License when employing PBCore in your projects and initiatives.
The license is presented in two forms:
Easily understood, simple language regarding the Creative Commons License |
Very specific legal language regarding the full Creative Commons License |
The Commons Deed is simple, straightforward, and expresses your rights to use the PBCore metadata elements and their associated properties and attributes ("the work"). The bottom line is that you are free...
- to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work
- to make derivative works
- to make commercial use of the work
No further communication is required from you to the Public Broadcasting Metadata Dictionary Project in order to employ PBCore metadata elements.
You must give the Public Broadcasting Metadata Dictionary Project credit if your use of PBCore is re-published in some form. Use this statement:
This work employs PBCore. The PBCore (Public Broadcasting Metadata Dictionary) was created by the public broadcasting community in the United States of America for use by public broadcasters and others. Initial development funding for PBCore was provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. The PBCore is built on the foundation of the Dublin Core (ISO 15836), an international standard for resource discovery (, and has been reviewed by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Usage Board. Copyright: 2005, Corporation for Public Broadcasting.