PBCore supplies its own picklist of terms that are alligned with TiVo, the Tribune Media tags, and the PBS Program Offer Data Service (PODS).
If another picklist is employed, it is important that its authority be identified by using this metadata field.
Use a URL where possible or practical when identifying the genre authority used. If the authority is identified by a personal name or corporporate/organizational name, PBCore recommends the following rules:
Enter personal names in inverted form using commas as indicated here:
- LastName, FirstName MiddleName, Suffix.
- Substitute a MiddleInitial for a MiddleName as appropriate, or ignore if not available.
- The suffix is any type of academic credential (Ph.D., Ed.D.) or familial lineage (Smithee, Alan, III)
Enter corporate names in full direct form.
- Use the most specific and commonly used official name for an organization if it is distinctive enough to identify the group.
- If a particular subdivision of an organization is intended, identify both the more encompassing group as well as the subdivisions.
- The hierarchy (main group and subdivision) starts with the main group, followed by <period space>, then the subdivision.
- For example:
- State of Utah. Film Commission
- Smithee Productions. Educational Division
- Wisconsin Public Television. Extension Division
For a very enlightening discussion on the complexities of entering and displaying names, see "Representing People's Names in Dublin Core."