this Element
alternativeModes |
The descriptor alternativeModes is
a catch-all metadata element that identifies equivalent alternatives
to the primary visual, sound or textual information that exists in
a media item. These are modes that offer alternative ways to see,
hear, and read the content of a media item. Examples include DVI
(Descriptive Video Information), SAP (Supplementary Audio Program),
ClosedCaptions, OpenCaptions, Subtitles, Language Dubs, and Transcripts.
For each instance of available alternativeModes,
the mode and its associated language should be identified together, if applicable.
Examples include "SAP in English," "SAP in Spanish," "Subtitle
in French," "OpenCaption in Arabic."
This element is hierarchically bound to the container pbcoreInstantiation
Use free-text entry, but follow PBCore's recommended structure for entering data.
- Identify the alternative mode for seeing, hearing,
or reading the content of a media item,
- Followed by a space,
- Followed by the word "in",
- Followed by another space, and...
- Append the
language for that alternative mode.
See the examples below
for sample entries.
The descriptor alternativeModes is
a catch-all metadata element that indicates the presence of one or
more alternatives to the primary visual, audio or textual presentation
or display for a media item. The actual content of the alternative
track or mode is not entered here, just an indication that exists.
The alternative modes that are encountered most
frequently include:
- DVI: Descriptive Video Information
- SAP: Supplementary Audio Program
- CC: Closed Captions
- OC: Open Captions
- Caption Track
- Subtitle
- Dubbed
- Transcript
The WGBH National Center for Accessible Media
(NCAM) is working with the IMS Global Learning Consortium to
publish a specification: Accessibility for Learner Information
Package (LIP). This specification and metadata schema is intended
to address user needs and preferences for alternative presentations
of content found in a media item.
In the interest of simplicity, the PBCore will
not be folding in the accessibility metadata at this time. However,
we have created this container field called alternativeModes into
which equivalent alternatives to what is seen, heard, and read
can be identified, along with the language associated with that
Because there may be more than one alternative track, the descriptor alternativeModes can be repeated for each instance.
Because various alternative tracks may use a different language than the primary language of the media item (see the descriptor language), PBCore recommends that the alternative language associated with an alternative track be identified as well. The structure of your data entry should be:
- Identify the alternative mode for seeing, hearing,
or reading the content for a media item,
- Followed by a space,
- Followed by the word "in",
- Followed by another space, and...
- Append the language for that alternative mode.
See the examples below for sample entries. |
Optional |
Apply once within its container, pbcoreInstantiation (which itself can be applied multiple times for each rendition of a media item) |
Text String |