The descriptor formatIdentifier employs an unambiguous reference or identifier for a particular rendition/instantiation of a media item. Best practice is to identify the media item (whether analog or digital) by means of a string or number corresponding to an established or formal identification system if one exists. Otherwise, use an identification method that is in use within your agency, station, production company, office, or institution.
Another element named identfier is used to reference or identify the entire record of metadata descriptions for a media item and exists at the top level for a PBCore description and its associated description document (XML). |
Best practice is to identify the resource (media item) by means of a string or number corresponding to an established or formal identification system generated within an international standard or as a local identification scheme. Examples include analog location number (box, folder, shelf, desk drawer, etc), ISBN/ISSN (for published text) and URLs (which include the file name) for digital data.
PBcore recommends the use of the companion descriptor, formatIdentifierSource (within the sub-container pbcoreFormatID), to indicate who assigned a particular identification number or designation. Thus PBCore provides not only a locator number, but also indicates an agency or institution who assigned it. |