about the
related to
a media asset's
the PBCore Metadata
Elements with Low-Scoring Refinements |
Principles from the Metadata Experts
Releated Elements (lower scores)
Property / Rights Related Elements (lower scores)
Related Elements (lower scores)
Principles from the
Metadata Experts
1. Keep It Simple
Develop a core
set of questions for each workflow area, decide what is truly “mandatory” versus “desired,” eliminate
terms that don’t apply in the broadcast/media environment. “Remember,
this [is] to be [a] real-world tool, not an arcane philosophical
model.” Develop a “lay-person’s guide.”
Whatever PBMI comes up with should do the following: 1. Be
as intuitive as possible to the end user. Try to use industry terms
as much as possible. If these can be coded through XML mapping
in the background to link to other standard terms, fine. But you'll
save yourself a lot of grief in the beginning if the user doesn't
feel totally lost and can recognize familiar terms. 2. Don't be
wedded absolutely to standards. You are creating this to be a tool
for PB stations. If it makes more sense to display notes next to
the item they describe, do it. You want the record to be as easy
to follow as possible. Again, field names in forms can be linked
in the background to other standards terms and rearranged by the
computer in the background. 3. Allow for flexibility and station
individuality. Standard lists to pick from are okay but allow for
manual entry for exceptions or as needed. 4. Remember stations
have been exchanging programs without the assistance of computers
for a long time. Being able to set it up online is a convenience,
but it is still a tool, not an end in itself. It is not supposed
to be an arcane model of philosophical perfection, this is something
that is meant to be used. Don't make it so complicated it makes
the IRS tax code look like a picnic.
2. Don’t Do It Alone.
- Continue to test
your definitions with vendors and other broadcast organizations.
SMPTE (MXF, RP210), MPEG (MPEG7), and the Library of Congress
(METS, MODS) can all offer some guidance. The U.S. Department
of Education’s “Gateway
to Educational Materials”™ (GEM) metadata initiative
can provide a useful “extension” for educational
data elements.
3. Rights Management will require its own full
- PBCore can keep its classifications simple, but link to
a more complex set of rules (such as MPEG21) being developed
by media owners and distributors.
4. PBCore need not follow Dublin Core’s “one
record per item” rule.
- While two experts said, “stay
with DC’s approach,” as discussed earlier, six
said that in the world of computer searches and multiple formats
of media content, adhering to DC was a step backwards, or worse.
Related Elements
Lower Scores
Name |
All Mean |
Low Mean |
Low-Scoring Subset |
Description.ProgramRelatedText Refinements |
3.6 |
2.5 |
2 |
Description.Abstract Refinements |
3.5 |
2.7 |
3 |
Source Refinements |
3.4 |
2.8 |
4 |
Relation.Identifier Refinements |
3.5 |
2.8 |
5 |
Coverage.Spatial Refinements |
3.5 |
2.9 |
6 |
Coverage.Temporal Refinements |
3.7 |
2.9 |
Note: the following discussion is not designed to find the “answer,” but
to guide the next PBCore team in refining the next version of the
Of greatest concern is the fact that four “content elements” received
a 2.8 or lower mean score from the respondents who identified themselves
as primarily working with program content. The two “coverage” elements
received a 2.9 rating by at least one cluster of respondents.
Some of the comments associated with these fields (element, refinement
and “confusing” entries) follow in an edited form. Where
an “expert” responded to a question about this element,
it too is included.
1. Description.ProgramRelatedText Refinements
- I don't see the usefulness of this as a field element. Better
would be to assume related program text as content not metadata.
Individual systems might handle textual content as metadata but
it serves no purpose in a metadata dictionary.
- Metadata seems like the wrong place for Program Related Text
(PRT). PRT is itself an object that should be linked to (or part
of) the main object it’s related to and described with
its own metadata.
- Clearly identifying related text (and its language and usage)
will be of immense help in assisting end-users in locating materials
they want.
- Good thing this is repeatable because with the automated
text/speech extraction tools coming into use, this is going to
be a popular field.
2. Description.Abstract Refinements
- This is a key thing, and should be highlighted: "why an
asset or media file is important at all or within certain contexts."
- It's important but needs better definition. Vague (to me) line
between this and description.
Experts’ Comment on “Description” Elements
- I like the idea of minimizing the number of fields, but it
are good stand-alone elements. DESCRIPTION.ABSTRACT might be
rarely used but I see why it should be separated out. I would
be inclined to leave it the way the scheme is but identify DESCRIPTION
as part of the minimal elements within the core of the Core and
optional. In a situation like mine, we are rarely going to have
to be different fields.
- Description.Abstract seems like a useful field for most types
of programs. That said, I think a picklist gives you more flexibility
for choosing types of description, rather than having to hard
code specific types in a field name. Also it allows the individual
station to use only the terms it wants to use. As long as these
are common industry terms, I don't see a problem with a picklist.
3. Source Refinements
- Though we use this element internally for capturing legacy
metadata, I am not convinced of its usefulness for metadata change.
Too similar to Relation.
- I think that this part needs to be fleshed out more. There
needs to be a clear definition of entities-- programs, producers,
etc, that can be a source.
- Source should have derivation categories. (e.g. books, film,
- I think an example would help; I assume it means something
like the underlying literary work of a broadcast play or musical,
but it was not clear in the definition.
4. Relation.Identifier Refinements
- What's confusing is the bond between this and Relation Type.
- It’s probably good to specify Identifier but confusing
when one looks at theRelation Type values: not all suggest
an Identifier value.
- If people can wrap their heads around the concepts involved
in Source and Relation.Type, then this field is a piece of cake
and highly relevant if people use it.
- I think more emphasis needs to be put on uniquely identifying
a related resource. Saying 'x is version of y' and only providing
a shelf location for y could be a problem when someone decides
to reshelve....
5. Coverage.Spatial Refinements
- It could be a bit clearer that this concerns "spatial" elements
within the program; at first, it almost seemed like an archival
determination of the physical location of the program.
- The examples add to my confusion in they list both descriptive
and geospatial metadata, which seems like apples and oranges, subject
vs. format data.
- Teachers really like to localize resources. I would suggest,
at a minimum, using the ISO 3166-1 and -2 country and state codes
to provide some searchable uniformity here.
- Really need some sort of thesaurus or at least rules for entering
information. Need to develop an authority file outlining form and
6. Coverage.Temporal Refinements
- I think you will be sorry not to provide uniformity here. MARC
guidelines can provide uniformity and are readily available at if you don't like the ISO standard.
- Dates are messy. Allowing free text dates keeps them that way.
Note that without applying not-yet-invented artificial intelligence,
searches for 1863 won't find the asset labeled '1861-1865'.
No good solutions here, unfortunately.
- Time periods should be standardized and not made a free-form text
Property & Rights Related Elements
Lower Scores
Name |
All Mean |
Low Mean |
Low-Scoring Subset |
1 |
Rights.Usage Refinements |
3.8 |
2.8 |
2 |
Rights.Reproduction Refinements |
3.8 |
3.0 |
3 |
Contributor.Role Refinements |
3.8 |
3.1 |
4 |
Rights.Access Refinements |
4.0 |
3.4 |
Note: the following discussion is not designed to find the “answer,” but
to guide the next PBCore team in refining the next version of the
Some of the comments associated with these fields (element, refinement
and “confusing” entries) follow in an edited form. Where
an “expert” responded to a question about this element,
it too is included.
1. Rights.Usage Refinements
- Free text: you are doing the best you can. But a suggested
(not enforced) vocabulary might be warranted.
- I strongly recommend creating a standardized value list to
enable interoperability across stations and standard information
for end users via public portals. A more formal set of rules than
free-form text would be useful.
2. Rights.Reproduction Refinements
- How does this element differ significantly from the Rights.Usage
element? There needs to be greater emphasis on the distinction
between use (as in what can you do with this item) and reproduction
(making copies) Can stations choose to put.
- I think the whole Rights Elements domain needs to be re-considered
and made clear. Each asset has a group of usage rights and each
usage has terms and restrictions.
3. Rights.Access Refinements
- Access is not an on/off switch. Access should be associated
with Groups. Again, we may want to combine the simple drop-down
list with a free text notes field.
- Could there be a "conditional access" if triggered
or would this be set-up at another level?
- I think the key with this one is that this is the field used
for mining. Clarity or highlighting this purpose of this element
might be helpful because otherwise people are going to tend to
want to lump all 3 rights elements into one field.
Experts’ Comments on Rights Elements:
- Formal data models for expressing rights information are *Very*
difficult to create, and the environment in which public broadcasting
operates strikes me as more prone than many to creating unusual
rights situations. I would leave these elements free-text at the
moment. You may wish to consider whether the public broadcast community
needs a separate rights expression language, or whether one of
the existing rights languages, such as ODRL, could be adapted to
more specifically delineate rights & permissions covering various
- Given that rights are such a critical issue for PBS resources,
I'd suggest developing a separate rights schema, utilizing MPEG21
(XrML)or ODRL, and reference the rights metadata from the PBCore
- I would prefer that all values be combined into a rights statement
placed into a single metadata element with a standardized way of
entering the data at least or a controlled vocabulary at best.
However, this is going to be hard to implement too. Are you going
to have some place for people to put rights statements that are
4. Contributor.Role Refinements
- Even more than Creator role, Contributor roles need to be accurate
because it may include anyone from a cameraperson to an intern.
- The enumerated list is pretty much focused on "creative" aspects
and (not so much) on copyright-ownership aspects.
- Definitions seem crucial here. Also some policy might be established
on what text string is used for these roles: Official job titles?
On-screen credit? We also must recognize that the list is too long
for a drop-down.
Experts’ Comments on Contributor/Creator Elements
- No one outside of people who have been trained by PBCore is
going to be able to figure this one out, and even then it's murky.
Can there be more than one creator? What if they're not all at
the same creator level? What if someone is somewhat linked to the
creating process but not a full-blown creator? Where is the cutoff?
Creator.role helps, but deciding who's a creator to begin with
is the biggest problem.
- I think that this highlights the fact that having separate creator
and contributor elements is not particularly valuable. It my opinion,
Dublin Core made a mistake in asserting that distinction.
Related Elements
Lower Scores
Name |
All Mean |
Low Mean |
Low-Scoring Subset |
1 |
Annotation Refinements |
3.5 |
2.5 |
2 |
Format.Encoding Refinements |
3.7 |
2.9 |
3 |
Identifier Refinements |
3.9 |
2.7 |
4 |
Location Refinements |
3.9 |
2.8 |
Note: the following discussion is not designed to find the “answer,” but
to guide the next PBCore team in refining the next version of the
Some of the comments associated with these fields (element, refinement
and “confusing” entries) follow in an edited form. Where
an “expert” responded to a question about this element,
it too is included.
1. Annotation Refinements
- Notes will ultimately make or break a metadata exchange initiative.
I recommend the addition of an AnnotationType Element with a list
that includes other top-level Dictionary Elements (Publisher Notes,
Creator Notes, etc).
- Risky to give people an unstructured notes space - they could
get lazy and just use this instead of properly using the other
elements. Also would be difficult to search/index. All necessary
metadata should be capturable in structured elements.
- Although this is an excellent tool, I know from experience
it can be overused; perhaps add wording to indicate that it should
not be used for all fields.
Experts’ Comments on Annotation
- At some level, I think an annotation/note facility can become
overkill, and part of the point of a metadata standard is to force
people to express information within a particular structure, instead
of a allowing free-text everywhere. I think a single annotation
element provides the flexibility to give additional information
not covered within the main metadata element set; separate annotation
elements for every other metadata element would be unwieldy and
probably pointless. I doubt many people are going to have the time
to put in that much annotation information.
- I think the possibilities of adding ANNOTATION as a qualifier
of elements is a useful idea, but in reality, I don't know that
they would actually be used as intended. I would think that in
the rush to get the "paperwork" done, these elements
would remain empty and useless while if something really remarkable
stood out that had to be presented, people would want to look for
a general notes field. I think that PBC should not support individual
Annotation Elements for each major element, but leave the option
open to see if any agencies actually do want to make use of fields
like these.
2. Format.Encoding Refinements
- I wonder if a Compression Standard Element with a Compression
Rate would be more understandable. Why repeatable?
- The definition is confusing regarding what information you
expect to see in this element. It's only when you view the examples
that you know what kind of information you are supposed to place
in this field, but still not understanding the definition.
- NEED CONTROLLED VALUE LIST. Encoding needs to be pre-defined
from an authority based on format.type.
Experts’ Comments on Format.Encoding
- I think that format.standard and format.encoding are, fundamentally,
trying to express the same information: formally identifying the
technical standard/specification that defines the data format used
for the asset. I think they can be collapsed into a single element
which *should* be more carefully defined, and perhaps employ a
controlled vocabulary. Format.type, on the other hand, seems to
be expressing a bit different from the other two elements, a more
'high-level' description of the nature of work's format.
- I'd look at what is required for interoperability with schemas
like MPEG7 and SMPTE and also ask what purpose these data elements
serve, and who benefits from their existence. Are they important
for migrating to newer technologies to support digital permanence?
Are they important to end users who play back the files? Is this
important for a station considering the purchase of the resource,
or preparing to download the resource? The data elements should
serve a purpose, perhaps tied to the 3 FRBR core user information
needs--find, identify, select or obtain, or they should serve the
purpose of maintaining the intellectual content in perpetuity.
3. Identifier Refinements
- Of course, this Element as defined is imperative, but the examples
seem all over the map. I emphatically do not think shelf location
should be used as an identifier. I recommend distinct elements
for Identifier.Barcode and Location.PhysicalLocation.
- Definition is confusing, not until you see the examples is it
understand it's along the lines of "tape location."
- I recommend identifying the scheme used (UMID, NOLA, et.)
4. Location Refinements
- Clarify re identifier elements; this is what a non-expert would
look for first. In a particular case, if I can use either Location
or Identifier should I user one, the other or both?
- It is too similar to other Elements like Identifier and Format.Identifier
to nail down its purpose.
- Note that this is the same as the MODS metadata schema's location
element (comes from MARC). Also used in DC-Library application
Experts’ Comments on Location
- How about multiple locations? How about electronic storage
locations and physical storage locations. Should this element be
broken down to those levels?
- In the case of multiple manifestations for an item, the assets
in different locations will very likely have different format characteristics
as well (bit depth, data rate, frame size, frame rate, encoding,
etc.). You'll need some way to associate all of the other formatting
metadata elements with a particular location(s).
- This is a good idea. Using this element to note the several copies
ofsomething. However, how are you going to distinguish, what
version is kept in which place. Also, how do you identify which is your
primary item and what FORMATS your other versions are in?