Project Background
Public Broadcasting Metadata Dictionary
Background and Project Rationales
Review the Public Broadcasting Metadata
Dictionary Project rationales.
a Glance...Some Frequently Asked Questions
Read in a few, short paragraphs about
the need for and work assigned to the Public Broadcasting Metadata
Dictionary Project.
the Report to the 2003 Dublin Core Conference
As part of the 2003 Dublin Core Conference
in Seattle, Washington, the PB Core metadata elements were reviewed
(pre-version 1.0 as currently published). The paper also discussed
the project's beginnings, the need, the issues, challenges and
next steps.
Papers & Presentations, Resources & Links
As the Public Broadcasting Metadata
Dictionary Project progressed, dozens of papers and presentations
were generated to share the goal and spread the word about the
PBCore. Lists of resources, readings, and websites were also
the List of Project Participants
Many individuals were part of the Working
Group and Task Teams for the PBCore: the Public Broadcasting Metadata
Dictionary Project. They represent public television and radio
stations, the producing and program distributor communities, as
well as national organizations. Each participant was selected for
his/her general awareness of metadata issues, as well as for the
ability to represent the metadata-related needs and concerns of
specific disciplines.
the Companion Website about Asset Management
As the Public Broadcasting Metadata
Dictionary Project began, a companion website was created that
dealt with the broader concerns and questions about digital asset