Evolving the Links
Wisconsin Public Television and other university licensees will explore
Asset Management applications as part of the Evolving the Links project.

Project DDII
The CPB Digital Distribution Implementation Project was begun in
the fall of 2001 and will continue work for two years. Its charge specifically
calls for identifying common issues among the following large-scale
projects: asset management, DTV Advanced Traffic and Programming (Orion),
next generation PBS interconnection system, joint master control/Advanced
Digital Distribution Entities (ADDEs), and digital conversion.

Project MARS
KCTS joins forces with radio and library partners to determine the
requirements of an Web-based search and retrieve system for the community,
in the Media Asset Retrieval System project.

Project NADDE
Northwest Advanced Digital Distribution Entity (NADDE) This project
demonstrates that by sharing core digital facilities and functions,
stations can enjoy capital and operational savings while delivering
enhanced service to their local communities. Among other services, ADDEs
will provide Asset Management for participating licensees.

Public Broadcasting Metadata Dictionary Project
The Public Broadcasting Metadata Dictionary Project is a system-wide
Project for public television and radio. Its stated goal is: To
develop a shared metadata dictionary that facilitates public broadcasting's
larger mission of developing and distributing both nationally -- and
locally -- relevant content across a variety of media. The metadata
dictionary, in its recommendations for the elements, qualifiers, and
authority files used to describe rich media content, will reflect not
only public broadcasting's diverse audiences, but also our critical
community and university partnerships. A Metadata Dictionary Working
Group has been formed and is comprised of individuals representing public
television and radio stations, the producing and program distributor
communities, as well as national organizations.
Metadata Dictionary Project Website
